
The MicroSociety® Program is a research-based education program enabling teachers to answer the persistent question of: “Why do I need to know this?” Students spend 45 MicroSociety® minutes Monday through Thursday in their jobs where they learn how traditional academic subjects are studied and applied to their “on the job” activities. MicroSociety® time provides opportunities for students to create a functioning small community by offering a real-world context for academic learning. Students collaborate with their TK-6 peers, teachers, parents, and business volunteers to run businesses, apply technology, establish government and social agencies, and develop cultural/arts organizations.

To learn more about MicroSociety, please click here.

Core Values

Core values identify our work, how we interact with each other, and which strategies we employ to fulfill our mission. The core values are the basic elements of how we go about our work to further our connection as a community.

A deep feeling for and understanding of others without regard to race, age, creed, or social standing. This includes kindness, generosity, forgiveness, friendship, love and sharing toward all people including the physically and mentally challenged.

Become a productive and contributing member of society. Understand the importance of being a law-abiding citizen.

We define cooperation as the act of working together because all parties understand that they share a common purpose and agree on a method. To live out this value, the team will create an atmosphere where individuals are free to express concerns with current and future methods by asking the opinions of others after presenting information.

To consistently seek and speak the truth. Having a lifestyle without lying, cheating, stealing or other forms of deception.
Perseverance The inner strength to remain constant to purpose, idea, or task in the face of obstacles. This includes dedication, consistency, and having a positive attitude.

Being reliable and following through on commitments. This includes being responsible for your actions as a family member, teacher, student, and citizen. You can demonstrate your responsibility through service to others and self-control.

Having a high regard for oneself and others. This would include self-worth, pride, physical well-being, contentment, peace, humor, appreciation for differences and individuality, fairness, respect, and tolerance.

The capacity to endure and willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.

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